Part One: Rage
In the last 4 days, I have read 2 revisions of history on the Op Ed page of The Washington Post that evoked completely opposite and strong emotional responses.
Michael Gerson (The Washington Post, June 13, 2007) described the distancing of the Republican presidential candidates from President Bush as “fleeing the [political] Center.” He refers to Bush’s campaigning as a “compassionate conservative,” his positions on the role of government, education, medicaid prescription coverage, and immigration reform, and his assertions of “solidarity” with the poor and seeking the “common good” as “policies . . . borrowed . . . from Catholic social thought. . . .”
To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen’s celebrated retort to Dan Quayle in 1988, “I know Catholic social thought, I am a friend of Catholic social thought, and George W. Bush is no proponent of Catholic social thought!”
Any real friend of Catholic social thought will be insulted and indignant at the claim!
Candidate Bush may have made some moderate-sounding claims in the 2000 campaign (thanks to the speech writing of Michael Gerson), but President Bush has governed as a right-wing ideologue employing the politics of division and derision so doggedly only a Rovian or a Machiavellian could admire him. His clear and consistent option for the rich, embrace of preemptive war, record-setting use of the death penalty as governor, sending thousands of Americans to fight an unjust war on the basis of a lie and without adequate protections, hiding the human costs of the war for both Iraqis and Americans from the American people and then cutting veterans benefits on top of that, the Administration’s corruption and tolerance for corruption, its cynical attitude toward truth, law and integrity . . . . (This is too easy; the list grows all by itself.) “Centrist”?? “Catholic social thought”??
If he cares to encounter a more authentic presentation of policies inspired by Catholic social thought, Gerson should go back and reread the Democratic Convention keynote speech of Mario Cuomo (whom he dismisses as a purveyor of “liberal fundamentalism.”)
Security Alert: Code Red – There will be many more efforts like this to rewrite history in the months and years ahead. It is a serious threat to the real security of this nation and the world community – just as the Bush presidency has proved itself to be.
Stay tuned for Part Two, the kind of rewriting of history that we desperately need.
Posted by Jim Hug, SJ, President, Center of Concern.