I was so outraged I shouted at my car radio. The interviewer on “All Things Considered” was asking Democratic Congressman Dave Obey what was going to happen to fiscal responsibility now that the Democrats, with their reputation for government spending, were taking over power from the Republicans. To add unbelievably shameless insult to injury, President Bush went on to warn the new Congress to be responsible in dealing with budget issues.
What planet have these people been living on?
Even the openly Republican Omaha World Herald in its lead editorial December 21st noted that “the speed with which Republicans abandoned their historic devotion to spending restraint these past six years has been astounding. . . . Republicans ill-served the country by abandoning their support of budget restraint.” The editorial writers express surprise that the promise of a return to “woefully needed discipline in the wake of a fiscal process gone entirely off the rails” is coming from Democrats. And they sprinkle the editorial with a liberal dose of suspicious comments like “if the [Democrats] mean what they say.”
If the myth that the Republicans are the fiscally responsible party and the Democrats are the profligate spenders is allowed to stand unchallenged, the step toward responsible government made in this last election will be reversed all too soon
Every conscious or unconscious expression of that myth must be confronted immediately with the facts. For the last quarter century, not only have Republicans presided over the most blatant fiscal irresponsibility, they have let it be known that it was part of a deliberate strategy to “starve the beast” – to put the federal government in such terrible financial condition that it is rendered ineffective.
Do interviewers and editorial writers not remember that it was a Republican president 25 years ago who took the national debt that he had inherited from the previous 204 years and doubled it in two terms? Do they forget that it was Republicans who repudiated their own president, George H. W. Bush, when he tried to be fiscally responsible by raising taxes? Have they blotted out the fact that it was Democrat Bill Clinton who painfully restored fiscal discipline and handed a significant budget surplus to the incoming George W. Bush – who rapidly redistributed it to his wealthy base?
How many decades of blatantly contrary evidence does it take to deflate a myth like the one the Republican party and its media enablers – whether consciously or unconsciously – are promoting?
That myth has to be shown up for what it is and destroyed. It builds an unconscious foundation of false and destructive assumptions that have the power to control political decisions. It has already done far too much damage to too many people. Twenty-five years of living this lie is enough.
Posted by Jim Hug, SJ - President, Center of Concern.